Let her Go

In listening to Music Travel Love’s new cover of “Let her Go” this evening, it brought back many memories.
Loss of someone loved, for whatever reason has not be foreign to me. That emptiness and sadness felt is very real; for in that deep love, the realization of how much that person meant settles in. Remaining in that feeling I have learned is one that can take me into a deep hole.
Letting go of what once was, is difficult, for in grief I can wallow in the pain of what was. That mourning bench is very isolating at times. Agonizing. But there is a light.

In seeing that video, it reminded me how I once wanted the past the way it was many times.  I hated change. That missing I just couldn’t handle.  It hurt too much. Through grief I soon realized I hurt  like hell because I loved.  Still loved.  I couldn’t turn it off. Love is forever.
So where does it go….? No where. What do I do…..?
I just had to learn to love without a presence. Learn to live in this world a different way, but remember that their love is still a part of me and goes on through me. Man oh man that is hard!!

Ahhh that light house!! It shines out. The love I have for those I love can go on. I never will forget and the love I shared with them, it can go forward.   In accepting the present as it is…there is the hope… just like that lighthouse shining in the foggiest days. The hope of a new day. It doesn’t mean I need to forget, for I never will never forget, but I choose to learn to live without and move forward. Hope of healing. A learning to live without which sucks  but with the love that remains, I can go on. Love does go on.

A lesson in the learning, if I am willing to learn. That love can continue on forever in me, for love never dies. I can be a lighthouse for that love to continue on and shine.  Isn’t that what remains in the end? Love?

For those who are on that morning bench, there is hope…

Let her go…

2 Replies to “Let her Go”

  1. Such words of wisdom and so true . Letting go with love is love in action. Letting go is freedom. Love will conquer all. That is what we are born to do. Letting go is a gift I give myself and the other person. Letting go will help me to heal. Thank you so much for this. ♥️

  2. Thank you, Melanie, for your beautiful sharing on love and loss. I just happened upon your website today. Many messages of truth that are helpful to me today -thank you.

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