Many of you know how a few weeks ago I took part in a “Self-Love Challenge”. The week was filled with a task each day that I was to do that would help promote Self-Love. I must say I really enjoyed each challenge and had fun in sharing what I did. Nothing spreads more than love… and loving yourself really sets a precedence for your life. I found joining in on the challenge was a huge personal bonus for me… what more can a person ask than to improve upon yourself!!
Well being a part of and doing the challenge each day, my name went into a draw of several prizes. I was totally surprised when my name was called for a MasterCard gift card of $100!! WOW hat a bonus for having fun and improving self!! The love came back around!!
Since this was an international challenge, there was difficulty in sending out the gift card or even money as such because the borders are making it tighter due to fraud (making it harder for scammers to receive anything from their prey)… a very understandable road block!!, so a solution was finally found and I received a $100.00 Amazon gift card instead.
I scanned the Amazon website and found 5 things that I really wanted. I am so excited that I can hardly wait til they come…. I just had to tell you of them….
I order two books which I know I will thoroughly enjoy… one is “The Impersonal Life” by Joseph Brenner and “I Can See Clearly” by Dr Wayne Dyer. I also ordered a Meditation CD which is entitled “I AM Wishes Fulfilled” by Dr W Dyer. Can’t wait to listen and enjoy that one!! Also I ordered a new case with decorating tips and bag… something I have been wanting for a while but never bought. AND I also ordered an 18″ necklace with a Sterling silver pendant to remember my week. It is a floating heart pendant which has engraved on it …”Learn From Yesterday, Love for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, Laugh As Much As You Breathe, Love As Long As You Live, Live Laugh Love”
I can’t wait til they come!!
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