In seeing a 7 day Self Love Challenge I was a bit nervous in what to expect but signed up anyways knowing I was open for whatever came my way.
The past several years has brought me to the point where I have to learn to love myself as I am in the here and now.
So for Day 1 of the Self Love Challenge I had to examine my life and write down all the things I am grateful for & that I love in my life right now…. not too difficult eh?.
Then I had to write down 5 things that I was grateful for and loved about my body. Well now … I had to think about that one.
I had to lay aside all the negative and think positive about this one. .. which I feel was the main point in all this.. to change that negative thought process so love will flow and love myself in the here and now. Was easier after a few got out of me lol
I then had to write a love letter to me then send it in the mail..
All of this is to help cultivate self-love. I think this is going to be a good week that will help a lifetime.. .
Heck the mailman will think there’s something going on when it comes.. I sealed it with a kiss too
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