Day 4 Self Love Challenge was “Flowers & Candles” Scents & color can bring such calmness, serenity & fill the room with beauty!
So today I am celebrating my senses…
The past week I have noticed the lilacs starting to come out. Something about spring and seeing the blossoms bloom sends off so many wonderful feelings.
So on my walk this morning I walked by a huge hedge full of blooms and and like a child I reached up and picked a big bouquet. If I was able to skip, I swear I would have all the way home, but recovery took precedence and I behaved myself but ….I was bubbling all the way to the house.
Giddily I opened the door and waved my big bouquet, showing them off to my Mom. Soon I had them arranged in a vase and put a few candles around them that I had bought at the Dollerama. The smell of lilacs through the house is marvelous.
Tonight I will light the candles and sit back and enjoy them even more. As the candles say Keep Calm Be Yourself, Keep Calm and Dream Big, Keep Calm and be Happy, Keep Calm and Love Life, Keep Calm and Sparkle & Keep Calm and Enjoy Life!!
In seeing the candles they made me laugh and I had to buy them… two years ago my sister had bought hoodies for all us siblings that say.. “I CAN’T KEEP CALM I’M A JANES” well guess what… shhhhhh I really can LOL
What a beautiful Day!!
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