Well I better start my blogging. Seems like so much has transpired since meeting Dr Ellsmere. Although I have been losing weight since Sept 25th ’09 it’s like Feb 24th is another new starting date. I remember coming out of my family doc appointment that afternoon and with feeling on top of the world, walked 25 minutes!!! The week after, not much walking got done. I did read and watched everything going past my lips, increased my water intake, started eating slower and was so surprised with the results of feeling fuller in so doing.
Last Sunday, after all week making excuses of it was too cold to walk or it’s too icy etc etc. I finally went out and walked down the road to my sister-in-laws. Man when I sat down I felt sick to my stomach. My hernia I guess had a shaking and it took me a few minutes to hold myself back from throwing up. It didn’t hold me back from walking home and got a total of a half hour of walking in total! It felt great, except the nausea. I just knew that I had to wear something a little more supportive when I walked. I sometimes wonder how things will progress with this hernia as I lose weight . This in itself can be scary.
So Sunday night I went to stay at my girlfriends. We chatted a lot on weight issues and exercising. we even lifted some weights. The next day we went walking in the mall, a total of 1 mile. Igot some new dumb bells ( 5 and 8 lbs) and a thigh master. I wanted to start making new habits.
On Tuesday I went to the diabetic clinic and my blood sugars were great as well as my cholesterol. Chatted a bit with the dietitian and nurse about my plans with Halifax n the WLP. I go back to them in September. I then went to the mall and walked a mile there and tromped around the stores lol. I went away a few days with another friend. and got 3 1/2 miles in that day lol. Those little distant counters come in handy.
The next few days I worked on weights a bit and Friday my girlfriend came for supper and then we went walking in Brookfield at the duck pond. 1 mile around that lil pond and only took me 13 minutes!!! It was a lil workout fer me and i know eventually I will get use to it all and be making laps round that pond…but for now I will take one step at a time.
4 days of walking outta my first week is not that bad lol. A first for me !! Here’s to new habits and new beginnings. 🙂
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