Stage 3 Trial

Well my trial Stage 3 Liquid diet has been completed, and I must say I could have stayed on it longer with no prob. I felt full and was never hungry and felt full of energy.

If wanting to see my meals/snacks in what they consisted of you can find them at myfitnesspal. I learned sooo much during these three weeks, I know it will help me immensely after surgery.

Week 1 10.6 lbs lost
Week 2 8.4 lbs lost
Week 3 4.8 lbs lost

Total of 23.8 lbs in 3 weeks AND my measurements I took as well on April 21st and I lost 14.5 inches all over !!!!
Apr 21                           May 12
waist                             50″                                47″
Hips                               63″                                62″
Rt Calf                          24″                                 23″
Lft Calf                         24.5″                             23″
Rt Bicept                     20″                                18″
Lft Bicept                    21″                                 18″
Lft Thigh                     28″                                 27″
Rt Thigh                      29″                                  27″

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